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Will “2048” be your time killer of choice in the year of 2048?

Автор: Микола Єрьомін

2048 is a puzzle game that defines a whole generation of suburbanites. Unlike sudoku, 2048, while being digit-based is less of a math game and more in the vein of chess: it’s a game that teaches you to combine what you have to have a result that you need. A positive message, no doubt, for a game oftentimes considered a time killer to procrastinate your way through the project or spend a quiet day even more quietly.

There are, however, enormous benefits in playing 2048 and you can do it pretty much anywhere. Should you, though? Let’s examine a few reasons why yes, you absolutely should.

2048 is meditative

A lot of people calm themselves down with a smartphone these days, but there is a downside. Instead of properly calming you down, constant doomscrolling makes you more vulnerable and tired. And tired the wrong way, because you tire yourself with excessive blue light and information with literally no sense of accomplishment attached. You might calm yourself momentarily, but you exit that downward spiral even more tired in the grand scheme of thing.

Comparably, a good puzzle game such as 2048 works in another way: you’re concentrating on an engaging mental activity that trains your brain to solve tasks and overcome theme. Pair it with a calming environment or even music and you won’t spend nearly as much time on a smartphone. What you will spend, however, will really calm you.

2048 will make you smarter

2048 forces your mind into a problem-solving mode as it gets you create new strategies on a whim. Seemingly out of thin air you start to invent them on your own, which is the mode of thinking, then easily applied to real life.

2048 endured and passed the test of time

2048 is already 9 years old (it was released on on 9 March 2014). Initially written by Gabriele Cirulli in a weekend the game quickly became easily cloned because it was released as a free, open source software. That said, nothing beats the original and the best way to play 2048 online is still the official website. Also it has applications for Android and Apple devices.

The reasons are simple:

  • It is well-optimized for both mobile and desktop experience;
  • It only take only kilobytes of space as a bookmark on your Internet browser of preference;
  • You can play the game any time and any place;
  • It is completely AD-free (web version).

2048‘s minimalism is so enduring it is likely you will be glad it is still there in the actual year of 2048 in 25 years.

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